Vision and Mission


Thedepartment of Hindi envisions to inspire and prepare a generation of youth inthis part of Chhattisgarh to use their natural talent, and to inculcate a senseof integrity, humanity and civic sensibility among them through awarenesstowards study of literature as an art-form.The college is situated inrural area which is full fill of human resources. That students are learnfor life opportunities and suitable life circumstances. 


Thedepartment aims to inspire its students to develop language skill (listening,speaking, reading and writing). It encourages and promotes interest inappreciating literature, developing aesthetic sensibility and nurturing allforms of creativity inherent in students. By the seminars, Represents &prepared for incoming competition exams and prepare for incoming opportunitiesof different sector of life. The college students must should besuitable for new era and knowledge for progress in life.


Get in Touch

  • Govt Naveen Girls College Sarangarh,Dist- Sarangarh Bilaigarh[C.G.], Pin Code - 496445