Vision and Mission

Our Vision

1.To be a center of choice for English language education.

2.To enable the students to listen, speak, read and write effectively.

3.To cultivate critical reading and writing.

4.All around the development of the personality of students. 


 In order to translate our vision into reality, our mission is as follows:

1.     To organize group discussion and power point presentation for the PG students.

2.     To teach the PG students the use of internet to fulfill their various needs of language and literature

3.     To conduct a test after the completion of every unit.

4.     To organize various competitions like essay writing, poem composition,quiz and debate enable the students to express their thoughts.

5.     To use various audio-visual aids to deepen the learning and make teaching-learning process more effective.

6.     To invite the resource persons as a guest whose lectures will enhance the knowledge of world literatures.

7.     To use various methods like grammar method,translation method, inductive method, deductive method, Project work method and lecture method etc.

Future Plans 

Department of English has planned in future to establish study center for research. So that it would be golden opportunity for the students coming from the rural areas and backward classes.


Get in Touch

  • Govt Naveen Girls College Sarangarh,Dist- Sarangarh Bilaigarh[C.G.], Pin Code - 496445